If you return items late you will be charged an overdue fine at a rate 10p per item per day, up to a maximum of £2.00 per item. When you return overdue items you will be told about any fines. You have the choice to pay straight away or next time. Please note if you do not clear your fine straight away a loan stop will appear on your account and you will not be able to borrow more items or use a computer until you make a contribution towards the charges.
If you have overdue items then you will start to receive letters asking you to return them. Please renew or return the items as soon as possible. This will ensure your fine does not increase. If you fail to return the items then you will receive a demand for payment for the full cost.
Any items borrowed from the LRC are your responsibility and must be returned on time and in the same condition in which they were borrowed. Unfortunately, any items which are lost or damaged must be paid for or replaced before you leave your college course.