Topic pages
Credo Reference has thousands of subject specific topic pages - a great place to start exploring a topic. Each topic page provides an
encyclopaedia entry or dictionary definition, entries from other books on Credo, YouTube videos, images, links to news articles, and an interactive
mind map of your topic and related topics. Find some example topic pages below:
Adult Education | Classroom Management | Curriculum |
Inclusive Education | Learning Styles | Mentoring |
Special Education | Teacher Training | Teaching |
Information on Government policy affecting education and children’s services. Includes access to publications.
Examples of some information you can find on the above website:
Addressing workload in initial teacher education (ITE)
Find postgraduate teacher training courses in England​
Initial teacher education: inspections and outcomes​
An online portal for staff in the Further Education and Skills sector. It provides resources to support teaching and learning including teaching materials for a range of curriculum areas.
Examples of some information you can find on the above website:
Vision West Nottinghamshire College: Reaching new heights with data for learner responsive provision
Website of the Times Education Supplement providing news, jobs, reviews and debates, as well as free access to the TES archive from Oct 1994 to present.
Examples of some articles you can find on the above website:
'Want to improve education? Give teachers professional freedom'
7 negative mindsets teachers need to avoid
The 33 books every teacher should read