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LRC resources for English language and literature

British Library Sounds


  Particular recordings of interest are in the below sections:

  Accents & Dialects explores selected recordings of the spoken word.

  Arts, literature and performance

Credo Reference


      Topic pages

      Credo Reference has thousands of subject specific topic pages - a great place to start exploring a topic. Each topic page provides an

      encyclopaedia entry or dictionary definition, entries from other books on Credo, YouTube videos, images, links to news articles, and an interactive

      mind map of your topic and related topics. Find some example topic pages below:

American Literature Dictionaries English Language
Fantasy Literature Grammar Narratives
Phonetics Poetry William Shakespeare

ProQuest Learning: Literature

      The 'Authors' section allows you to search for authors and retrieves journal articles, a bibliography of their work, a biography and links to
      relevant websites.