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LRC resources for computing

Planet eStream

A collection of programmes and video clips are available online via Planet eStream. You can access Planet eStream from college, home or your mobile device.

A selection of useful programmes for your course are available below, but there are many more available when you explore Planet eStream.

Planet eStream programmes

Girls Can Code - Series

Girls Can Code - Series

1/2. Are the girls up to the challenge of inventing a start-up from scratch in just five days?

Steve Jobs: Billion Dollar Hippy

Steve Jobs: Billion Dollar Hippy

Evan Davis decodes the formula that took Apple from suburban Californian garage to global supremacy. 

The Programmers: The History of Computing

The Programmers: The History of Computing

Open University Programme.

Calculating Ada: The Countess of Computing

Calculating Ada: The Countess of Computing

How 17th - century countess Ada Lovelace helped give rise to the modern era of computing.

CAM: Revolutionary Design

CAM - Revolutionary Design

Computer Aided Manufacture is changing work practices and influencing the design process.