A collection of programmes and video clips are available online via Planet eStream. You can access Planet eStream from college, home or your mobile device.
A selection of useful programmes for your course are available below, but there are many more available when you explore Planet eStream.
EYFS Essentials
These five videos are a series of EYFS Essentials training videos covering an introduction and the four principles. Published by Nursery World.
Gifted and Talented - Primary Teaching and Learning
This programme shows how two inner city primary schools have implemented the Gifted and Talented programme.
Child Development: Babies Minds
A critical review of the theories of Jean Piaget and Melanie Klein on infant mental representation.
Britain's Biggest Primary School
Observational series about Gascoigne primary school which has more than 1,100 pupils.
A specific log in is needed to access this video. Please speak to your tutor or a member of LRC staff for details.
A specific log in is needed to access this video. Please speak to your tutor or a member of LRC staff for details.
A specific log in is needed to access this video. Please speak to your tutor or a member of LRC staff for details.